Authentic communication is key to audience engagement | by Dominic Wells
Getting feedback following a presentation, pitch or team talk can be a blessing in disguise “More eye contact”, “Watch your pace”, “Add some pauses”, “Modulate your volume” and the list goes on.
All good stuff right? Well, yes and no.
Yes because these delivery techniques (which are more complex to implement than most realize) can add real value to the effectiveness of your message.
No because there is a real risk that too much too soon will make you a worse not better presenter / speaker. I have seen some really confident presenters become overwhelmed when attempting to apply too many delivery techniques that they have not yet had time to master.
A safe and powerful foundation for all professional presenters and speakers is to deliver the Authentic You.
Through learned experiences we develop an innate communication style (voice, rhythm, language, movement, expressions and body language etc.) that is unique to each individual, providing a highly developed subconscious platform to engage with others. Like being asked to sign your name with your hand of least preference (try it now), changing your communication style in the short term is awkward, but it can be learnt over time.
So before overwhelming yourself with delivery techniques recognise and embrace the communication style that is authentic to you. Use this as a foundation for growth by incrementally introducing delivery techniques that will enhance not detract from the Authentic You.
Have fun presenting!